Saturday, August 4, 2007

The New and Improved You

Hello not quite perfected readers. My name is Brig Gomer Arnold, but you can call me B.Gomer, and I am your new Improvement Coach. I am glad that you have chosen to read this Blog, self awareness at your lack of perfection is the first step on the path to improving.

Unfortunately with the limited access of a blog, I cannot change you, I can simply point out common flaws that are prevalent in many people. Many of these flaws may apply to you, a few may not, it depends upon your personal plane of perfection. If you would like more personal coaching I am available for one on one consultation for only $150/hour(minimum of 36 hours).

These free consultation blogs will be designed to help you realize your flaws, whether they are directly pointed out in the blog or indirectly. I am very busy with my personal consultation efforts however I will try to post as often as I can, and whenever a certain flaw is prevalent that day.

If you would like any of your own flaws pointed out, please leave a comment and I will be happy to reply.


cs said...

ummm, i'm speechless. i don't know where to begin. but let me just start with this: my biggest flaw (mistake) was in letting my daughter marry someone with such a big A.S.S.!!!!! jk, sorta.

i'm reminding you that you did say my blog posts were too long. not that i hold grudges, okay i do. hey, that could be a flaw you could counsel me on, oh wise one.

BGomer said...

I will begin gathering information on grudges, that is such a terrible flaw that it will take a lot of time to prepare, in the meantime, you should watch the movie "The Grudge"

Mackenzie Sue said...

So I googled it and you don't really have to say uno. BUT you should say it.

Anonymous said...

Improvement Coach...GENIUS!! I love it. Their's no point in me hiring you because currently I have no flaws (and yes I am humble.) However, I do have quite a number of referrals for you. Call me sometime.

Randi A. said...

Brig, you're hilarious!